On Saturday, schools from Northampton and Corby took part in our annual supplementary schools concert. Performances included songs sung in mother tongue languages, traditional dances, traditional music and a specially written poem. The children were amazing, delivering confident performances demonstrating the language and culture they have been learning throughout the year. We were pleased to welcome Mayor Wellingborough Cllr Malcolm Waters and the Leader of Northampton Borough Council Cllr Jonathan Nunn to the concert, as well as the parents and friends of the children performing. As part of the concert, schools also had stands displaying information about their schools and also provided traditional food for all to try. We were also pleased to have stands from Northamptonshire Police, Northamptonshire Fire & Rescue, Autism Concern, NHS Changing Minds and The Voice. We also presented Phoenix Performing Arts School and Northampton Gujarati School with their NRCSE Silver Awards.